NeoChats is an interview-style podcast focused on educating neonatal nurses caring for newborns and their families. It is a project of the non-profit Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses.
33 episodes
NeoChats-Series 8 | Episode 4: Antibiotic Stewardship and Bacterial Resistance – Back to Basics Dr. Joseph Ting
GUEST: Joseph Ting, MBBS, MPH, MD(Res), DRCOG, MRCPCH, FRCPC (Pediatrics and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine)Staff Neonatologist, Alberta Health Services (Edmonton Zone)Variety, the Children's Charity and the Stollery Childre...
Season 8
Episode 4
NeoChats-Series 8 | Episode 3: Infectious Diseases in the NICU – Preventing & Managing Congenital Neonatal STBBI Infection Risks
Series 8 | Episode 3: Infectious Diseases in the NICU – Preventing & Managing Congenital Neonatal STBBI Infection RisksGUEST:Ari Bitnun, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FIDSADivision of Infectious DiseasesHospital for...
Season 8
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 8 | Episode 2: Infectious Diseases in the NICU – Congenital CMV – Dr. Jeffrey Pernica
Series 8 | Episode 2: Infectious Diseases in the NICU – Congenital CMV GUEST:Jeffrey Pernica, MSc, MD, FRCPC, DTMHHead of the Division of Infectious Disease,Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatric...
Season 8
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 8 | Episode 1: Infectious Diseases in the NICU – Dr. Joanne Langley
Series 8 | Episode 1: Infectious Diseases in the NICU - RSV GUEST:Joanne M. Langley, MD, MSc, FRCPCProfessor of Pediatrics and Community Health and EpidemiologyGSK-CIHR Chair in Pediatric Vaccinology, Dalh...
Season 8
Episode 1

CANN 2023 Conference Information | October 1 & 2, 2023 | Toronto
CANN 2023 NATIONAL CONFERENCEOctober 1 & 2, 2023 | MaRS Centre | TorontoEmbracing the theme "Neonatal Nursing: Our Path Forward Together", this two-...

NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 4: RSV Eligibility and Programs – Dr. Aaron Chiu
Series 7 | Episode 4: RSV Eligibility and Programs GUEST: Aaron Chiu, MD, FRCPC, FAAP, MBA, ICD.DAssociate Dean - Quality Improvement and AccreditationDirector - Manitoba RSV Prophylaxis ProgramAssociate Pr...
Season 7
Episode 4

NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 3: Epidemiology of RSV - Dr. Jesse Papenburg
NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 3: Epidemiology of RSVGUEST:Jesse Papenburg, MD, MSc, FRCPCPediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist and Medical MicrobiologistMontreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre...
Season 7
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 1: Common Questions Parents have about RSV Prophylaxis - Fiona Guy
NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 1: Common Questions Parents have about RSV ProphylaxisFiona Guy BSc., BScN, RNRSV Clinic Coordinator McMaster Children’s HospitalHamilton, OntarioBiography: Fiona Guy is th...
Season 7
Episode 1

NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 2: CPBF RSV Position Paper & RSV from a Parents Perspective - Fabiana Bacchini & Kate Jocelyn
NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 2: Canadian Premature Babies Foundation RSV Position Paper – RSV from a Parents PerspectiveGUESTS: Fabiana BacchiniExecutive Director, Canadian Premature Babies FoundationEtobicoke, O...
Season 7
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 4: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion – Dr. Andrea Frolic
NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 4: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion – Dr. Andrea FrolicAndrea Frolic, PhDDirector, Program for Ethics and Care Ecologies (PEaCE)Hamilton Health Sciences, MUMC SiteAssistant Professor, Fami...
Season 6
Episode 4

NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 3: Serious Illness Conversations – Camara Van Breemen
SERIES 6 | EPISODE 3: Serious Illness ConversationsGUEST: Camara Van Breemen, MN, CHPCNNurse Practitioner 9F)Canuck Place Children's HospiceVancouver, BCPodcast Description: This episode discusses...
Season 6
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 1: Adding Neuropromotion to Neonatal Care: The Benefits of Neonatal Massage - Kara Ann Waitzman
SERIES 6 | EPISODE 1: Adding Neuropromotion to Neonatal Care: The Benefits of Neonatal Massage GUEST: Kara Ann Waitzman, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTCPresident, Creative Therapy ConsultantsFounder, Neonatal Touch & Massage Ce...
Season 6
Episode 1

NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 2: Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective – Dr. Carole Kenner
SERIES 6 | EPISODE 2: Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective GUEST: Carole Kenner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, ANEF, IDFCOINNCEO Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN), Yardley, PA, USADean & Professor ...
Season 6
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 5 | Episode 3: Guided Meditation Session – Dr. Jackie Ang
SERIES 5 | EPISODE 3: Guided Meditation Session GUEST: Jackie Ang, MD, CCFP, E-RYTFamily Physician, Psychotherapist, Yoga + Meditation Instructor Ke'ala Living and The Mindfulness CentreDr. Jackie Ang will off...
Season 5
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 5 | Episode 2: The Science of Mindfulness – Sandra Andreychuk
SERIES 5 | EPISODE 2: The Science of MindfulnessGUEST: Sandra L. Andreychuk, RN (EC), NCC (NNP), BScN, MHSc. (Bioethics), MSc. (Nursing)Advance Health Care Consultant / Health Care EthicistQuality Life Planning,...
Season 5
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 5 | Episode 4: Strengthening Kangaroo Care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units – Sarah Coutts
SERIES 5 | EPISODE 4: Strengthening Kangaroo Care in Neonatal Intensive Care UnitsGUEST: Sarah Coutts, BSc, BSN, RN, IBCLC, MPHDevelopmental Care SpecialistBC Women's Hospital NICUVancouver, BCIn...
Season 5
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 5 | Episode 1: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Nurses (in the context of COVID) – Signs, Symptoms, Support - Dr. Leslie Morland
SERIES 5 | EPISODE 1: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Nurses (in the context of COVID) – Signs, Symptoms, SupportGUEST: Leslie Morland, PsyDProfessor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego (...
Season 5
Episode 1

NeoChats - Series 4 Episode 4: The Role and Integration of a Psychologist in the NICU - Julie de Salaberry and Dr. Sandesh Shivananda
SERIES 4 | EPISODE 4: The Role and Integration of a Psychologist in the NICUGUESTS: Julie de SalaberrySenior Director of Neonatal Programs BC Women's Hospital and Health CentreVancouver,...
Season 4
Episode 4

NeoChats - Series 4 Episode 2: Nurse Practitioners Performing Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography in the NICU – Jill Larocque
SERIES 4 | EPISODE 2: Nurse Practitioners Performing Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography in the NICUGUEST: Jill Larocque, BScN, MES, NNPNeonatal Nurse PractitionerNorthern Alberta Neonatal Intensive Care Program...
Season 4
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 4 Episode 3: Wellness Debriefs in the NICU - Dr. Joanna Humphreys
SERIES 4 | EPISODE 3: Wellness Debriefs in the NICU GUEST: Dr. Joanna HumphreysAssistant Professor and Pediatric Palliative Care PhysicianQuality of Life and Advanced Care Team in the Department of PediatricsMc...
Season 4
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 4 Episode 1: Neonatal Palliative Care - Treatment Approach - Nikki Berza
SERIES 4 | EPISODE 1: Neonatal Palliative Care - Treatment ApproachGUEST: Nikki Berza RN, MN-NP Program Student (NP-Peds in a few months!) This episode explores myths and misconceptions surrounding palliative c...
Season 4
Episode 1

NeoChats - Series 3 Episode 4: The Growing Popularity of TnECHO Programs in Canadian NICUs - Dr. Soume Bhattacharya
SERIES 3 | EPISODE 4: The Growing Popularity of TNEcho Programs in Canadian NICUsGUEST: Soume Bhattacharya, MBBS, MDStaff Neonatologist, London Health Sciences CentreLead, TnECHO & Hemodynamics Program, London ...
Season 3
Episode 4

NeoChats - Series 3 Episode 3: Treating Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonatal Patients - Dr. Dany Weisz
SERIES 3 | EPISODE 3: Treating Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonatal PatientsGUEST: Dany Weisz, MD, MScNeonatologist, Director of Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography ProgramSunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Ne...
Season 3
Episode 3

NeoChats - Series 3 Episode 2: Supporting NICU Parents by Connecting Them with Veteran Parents - Marianne Bracht
SERIES 3 | EPISODE 2: Supporting NICU Parents by Connecting Them with Veteran ParentsGUEST: Marianne BrachtFamily Ambassador Program Chair, Canadian Premature Babies FoundationRetired Neonatal Nurse; Member, Fi...
Season 3
Episode 2

NeoChats - Series 3 Episode 1: Examining the Controversy Around Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in Preterm Infants - Dr. Souvik Mitra
SERIES 3 | EPISODE 1: Examining the Controversy Around Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in Preterm Infants GUEST: Souvik Mitra, MD, MScAssistant Professor & NeonatologistDepartment of Pediatrics, Dalhousie ...
Season 3
Episode 1