NeoChats - Series 5 | Episode 2: The Science of Mindfulness – Sandra Andreychuk
SERIES 5 | EPISODE 2: The Science of Mindfulness
GUEST: Sandra L. Andreychuk, RN (EC), NCC (NNP), BScN, MHSc. (Bioethics), MSc. (Nursing)
Advance Health Care Consultant / Health Care Ethicist
Quality Life Planning, www.qualitylifeplanning.com
During this episode participants will learn how large fluctuations in our emotional state can create a physiologic stress response which can lead to a reduction in our overall health and wellness and job satisfaction. The concept of “Window of Tolerance” will be explored and how one might go about “resetting” by taking simple steps to enhance our ability to built resilience and practice self-regulation. The importance of reflective practice and self-knowledge will be explored along with common myths related to mindfulness and mediation.
Sandra Andreychuk practiced as a registered nurse and clinical educator in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit before becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. Sandra practiced within eh NICU setting for over 20 years before transitioned into a new career as a Health Care Ethicist. Sandra has led several End-of-Life initiatives including development of hospital infrastructure to support patients and families who are experiencing the final journey of life. As an ethicist, Sandra provides health system navigation and mediation of conflict around morally charged issues.
Sandra's primary focus and research efforts are directed toward end of life care planning and building hospital infrastructure to support early integration of Palliative Care. Sandra is a Master Trainer in the Serious Illness Care Program, a program aimed to enhance understanding of patients wishes, values and goals of care as they near end of life.
In 2021 Sandra founded a health care consultation service, Quality Life Planning, that provides serious illness and end of life care planning, health advocacy, system navigation and public education on relevant health care issues. Sandra also continues to practice nursing as a hospice nurse. Sandra studied Mindfulness Based Stressed Reduction and MBSR Intensive through Mindfulness Hamilton. Sandra integrates meditation and mindfulness into daily work and in her personal life. Sandra is currently completing her Yoga Teacher Training.
This podcast is sponsored by WaterWipes® – the world’s purest baby wipes.