NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 2: CPBF RSV Position Paper & RSV from a Parents Perspective - Fabiana Bacchini & Kate Jocelyn
NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 2: Canadian Premature Babies Foundation RSV Position Paper – RSV from a Parents Perspective
Fabiana Bacchini
Executive Director,
Canadian Premature Babies Foundation
Etobicoke, ON
Kate Joslin
Parent Partner
Mum of preemie girls - Rosie & Maggie
Biography: Fabiana Bacchini is the Executive Director of the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation, CPBF. She is a journalist and the published author of From Surviving to Thriving, a Mother’s Journey Through Infertility, Loss and Miracles.
While in the NICU with her surviving twin, born extremely preterm, she participated in the study of Family Integrated Care (FICare). This led her to the extensive volunteering in the NICU at Mount Sinai Hospital and to become an ambassador for FICare, travelling across Canada and internationally to share her experience with this model of care. Her son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy which continued to empower her to be a strong voice and advocate for premature babies and their families.
Currently, Fabiana serves as an advisor on the International Steering Committee for FICare, Child-Bright Network, PREMSTEM, and she is also on the advisory board of the Canadian Institute for Health Research, CIHR- IHDCYH.
This podcast is sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada