NeoChats - Series 4 Episode 1: Neonatal Palliative Care - Treatment Approach - Nikki Berza
SERIES 4 | EPISODE 1: Neonatal Palliative Care - Treatment Approach
GUEST: Nikki Berza RN, MN-NP Program Student (NP-Peds in a few months!)
This episode explores myths and misconceptions surrounding palliative care in the NICU, defining palliative and end-of-life care terms, and highlighting the importance language plays in difficult discussions surrounding the death of a neonate. Nikki discusses her personal experiences with end-of-life care in the NICU setting; focusing on empathy, compassion, and the importance of integrating palliative care into neonatology.
Nikki Berza is a Registered Nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at McMaster Children’s Hospital and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NP) student at the University of Toronto. She had the privilege of completing her first NP placement with the Quality of Life and Advanced Care Team (QoLA Care) at McMaster Children's Hospital and has found a passion for palliative and end-of-life care, especially in her work and role in the NICU. She has accepted an NP position at the NICU following her masters education and is looking forward to integrating the philosophies learned through QoLA Care in advocating for infants and families at the end-of-life.