NeoChats - Series 6 | Episode 2: Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective – Dr. Carole Kenner
SERIES 6 | EPISODE 2: Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective
CEO Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN), Yardley, PA, USA
Dean & Professor School of Nursing & Health Sciences,
The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, USA
This podcast discusses the new COINN book Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective. Each region of the world is presented through first hand stories/narratives that highlight the similarities and differences neonatal nurses face in providing care. It also describes some of the challenges and opportunities for neonatal nurses to raise the visibility of our work.
Visit the Council of International Neonatal Nurses at coinnurses.org to purchase your copy of Neonatal Nursing: A Global Perspective.
Dr. Carole Kenner is the Chief Executive Officer, Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN) and Dean & Professor at The College of New Jersey School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Science in neonatal/perinatal nursing, and a doctorate with a minor in higher education. She has authored more than 100 journal articles and 40 textbooks.
Her career is dedicated to nursing education and to the health of neonates and their families. She founded COINN to connect neonatal nurses globally and works to set standards for education and practice with over 60 countries involved.
Professional achievements include:
- Founder of the Journal Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews.
- Serves on the Consensus Committee of Neonatal Intensive Care Design Standards, which sets recommendations for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit designs globally, the Gravens Infant and Family Centered Developmental Care Task Forcecreating standards and competencies.
- She is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), a National Academies of Practice fellow, and Academy of Nursing Education Fellow, past president of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) and founding President of the Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN), the first international organization representing neonatal nursing.
- She serves on Every Newborn Action Plan- sets metrics for neonatal outcomes globally (UNICEF, WHO, USAID, UN Foundation partnership).
- She received the 2011 Sigma Theta Tau Audrey Hepburn Award for Contributions to the Health and Welfare of Children internationally.
This podcast is sponsored by Pampers