NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 1: Common Questions Parents have about RSV Prophylaxis - Fiona Guy
NeoChats - Series 7 | Episode 1: Common Questions Parents have about RSV Prophylaxis
Fiona Guy BSc., BScN, RN
RSV Clinic Coordinator
McMaster Children’s Hospital
Hamilton, Ontario
Biography: Fiona Guy is the RSV Clinic Coordinator at McMaster Children’s Hospital and Senior Administrator for the RSV Data Management System at Mount Sinai Hospital. She has a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Western Ontario. Fiona’s expertise is in Neonatal Nursing as she worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at both North York General Hospital and McMaster Children’s Hospital for the first 11 years of her career. Fiona has been running the RSV Clinic since 2018 and has contributed to a scholarly paper, two roundtables for the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation and has presented on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia to RSV Clinic Coordinators across Ontario.
This podcast is sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada