NeoChats - Series 2 Episode 1: Deep Caring and Moral Distress: Healthcare’s Gordian Knot - Blair Henry
SERIES 2 | EPISODE 1: Deep Caring and Moral Distress: Healthcare’s Gordian Knot
GUEST: Blair Henry, D. Bioethics
Senior Ethicist
Assistant Professor, Health Ethics Alliance (SB, NYGH & WPHC)
DFCM, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Blair Henry is a Senior Ethicist with the Health Ethics Alliance, and is currently working at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center and North York General Hospital in Toronto. He has been working as an ethicist since 2002. Prior to this, he worked in hospice end-of-life care in the community.
Blair completed a Post Graduate and a Senior Ethics Fellowship in 2005-06 and 2006-07 respectfully, through the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto. Blair completed a Doctor of Bioethics from Loyola University in Chicago. He is also has an Assistant Professor in the Division of Palliative Care in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto.
His unique interests involve: research ethics, resuscitation ethics, ethics at the end of life.
This podcast is sponsored by Pampers.