
NeoChats - Series 1 Episode 2: Supporting Parents in a Time of Crisis - Ann Douglas

April 08, 2020 Anne Season 1 Episode 2

Episode Two: Supporting Parents in a Time of Crisis
Guest: Ann Douglas
Bestselling Parenting Author of Happy Parents, Happy Kids and Parenting Through the Storm – Parenting Columnist, CBC Radio

Parenting author Ann Douglas, a keynote speaker at CANN’s 2019 conference, shares practical and reassuring advice on how to support parents in a time of crisis. Neonatal nurses play a critical role in comforting and calming parents, helping them make sense of the increasingly restrictive rules surrounding NICU visits necessitated by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Her message is clear: relationships mean everything at a time like this. You have a powerful and unprecedented opportunity to truly ‘be the village’ for the families you serve.

Ann Douglas
Social: Twitter + Facebook + LinkedIn + Instagram
Books: Happy Parents, Happy Kids + Parenting Through the Storm + The Mother of All

This podcast is sponsored by: Pampers